Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Project: Door of Mystery

This is my final project, based loosely on the "Door of Infinity" I did earlier. Basically, I used the idea of a "magical" door as an excuse to play with a variety of effects. I put a greenscreen inside the closet, filmed my backyard, and used a portal trailer and train image I found online. The smoke was taken from particleIllusion. Lighting the greenscreen better would have made this easier. It would also have been better if the camera didn't move every time I started recording- the double is slightly off from the original shot.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Motion Tracking

This was an in-class project to try out motion tracking. Tracking the picture frame was harder because my bracelets are about the same color as the frame, so the tracker would try to follow them instead. Other than that, there weren't many places where I needed to make corrections.